ACM Programming Contest 2007
The ACM contest this year in on Oct. 27th. We will take 4 teams to the Duke University Site. There will be practice sessions weekly and a couple of local competions before the contest. Note, the contest is two weeks earlier than last year.
The Rules
- Any one can participate.
- We have room for 12 students, 4 teams. One team is generally reserved for freshmen.
- The teams have not been selected.....Here are the teams....
- The Quartet
- Damon Smith
- Kyle Perkins
- Brantley Shields
- The ZERO
- Aaron Robinson
- Craig Chadwell
- James Trohan
- The ???
- Harry Pham
- Brett Boylen
- ?????
- Team Shenanigan -
- Historically, the freshman team has yet to fail me. They always score at least one correct solution.
- Each contestant should attempt to solve as many problems as possible between now an the contest date (Oct 27th). Any problem, not previously solved from the International Web site is a valid problem. Report solutions to Dr. Hightower or Mr. Shore. We will maintain the solved problem list below.
- A contest site that maintains a problem set from past ACM ACM-ACPC Live Archive. Goto the North America - Mid Atlantic region. You will need an account here as well.
- Here is another programming contest practice site. Log-on and try out Problem #1.
Current Suggested Problem List
Problem Solved during previous years
- 104, 111, 120, 136
- 227, 255
- 340
- 444
- 514, 524, 541
- 615, 634, 641, 642
- 871, 847, 869, 871
- 706, 729
- 2362
- 10530, 10554, 10664, 10699, 10739
The players/solved problems
Below is a list of returning students that generally express an interest. If your name is not in the list, and you want to be in the list or taken out, please let me know.
- Harry Pham
- Brett Boylen
- Royall Spence
- Khou Xiong
- Danny Page
- Damon Smith
- Kyle Perkins
- Aaron Gonzalez
- Chris McMahan
- Brantley Shields
- Daniel Short
- Brian Dukes